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Sedation Dentistry and a Trained Sedation Dentist Can Change Your Life

If you are afraid to go to the dentist, relax! Sedation dentistry and a trained sedation dentist can change your life for the better with a light sedative!

You can have the beautiful smile and the good dental health you’ve always wanted with sedation dentistry. Ask your dentist about more benefits of conscious sedation.

Imagine being able to smile with confidence and chew your food without pain. A sedation dentist and conscious sedation dentistry makes it possible to be totally relaxed during your dental treatment.

You won’t feel any discomfort and likely won’t remember the treatment itself. Because you’ll be completely comfortable, your sedation dentist can do many dental care procedures during the same visit, including:

  • whitening yellow or stained teeth
  • replacing crowns or dentures
  • fixing chipped or damaged teeth
  • restoring sore gums to good health

Best of all, you’ll probably only need one or two appointments with a dentist using sedation dentistry. So in hours you can start enjoying the confidence that comes with a bright new smile and good dental health.

Plus sedation dentistry is safe. Before your sedation dentist begins work, he or she will thoroughly review your medical history, and then monitor you closely during your conscious sedation dental treatment.

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Agave Dental
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Beth Hamann

Brent Call

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Agave Dental
4235 N. 32nd. Street
Suite C
Phoenix, AZ 85018
General Info: (602) 957-2411

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